Step out with us 03/12
This year’s big climate march in Brussels is 3rd December.… Bring all your friends, families, colleagues, help us to make this one MASSIVE! Find us here We have made beautiful banners and hats to be joyfully visible!
Global mobilisation to end fossil fuels – 17 Sept
We were at Gare Centrale, Brussels to take a stand against fossil fuels before the UN climate summit. We made the press for having the best banners and super hat

Stand up against ecocide
In May 2023, we were out again to take a stand against ecocide.
Walk for your future
On 23rd October we were out in force for the big climate march in Brussels… read our report here.
Facing eco-anxiety
From October we partnered with Holy Trinity Brussels to offer the Deep Waters course – an 8 weekly series of discussions to try to make sense of eco-anxiety & climate grief within a faith-based framework. Interested? More info here
Pray in the Park
In 2022 we held outdoors climate prayer in a Brussels park on the 1st of each month. We made it all the way to December, sharing our climate prayers in the open air.
Live Lightly
We started sharing reflections, climate lent challenges and prayers via a special WhatsApp group for Lent 2022. You can still join the group as we continue to share tips and thoughts to support each other in living lightly…
Marching through March
Back on the streets this spring! CCAB have been out and about for the Stop Ecocide campaign and with the Youth For Climate global strike.
2021 Climate Carols
Our festive campaign 2021 involved sharing joy and climate messages with updated Christmas carols, which you can enjoy at these links: We 3 Kings // We Wish You a Cooler Climate // Silent Night

Check out more current / past events on our events page
COP 26
Thanks to all who prayed with us through 2021 for COP26, it was great to share the prayer journey with you. Prayer letters and services archived on our resources page
6 Nov – We joined in the Global Day of Action during COP26 on the streets of Brussels read more here (in French, but with nice vid) and here
Canary Craftivism!
A gentle form of activism, we made handcrafted canaries (traditional messengers of danger) and sent them to our decision-makers to warn that we are in the danger zone and need urgent action. Campaign news here, a special video here and even a reply from the King
Keep in touch
If you want to keep up to date on what is happening please sign up for the Christian Climate Action Belgium mailing list here
..and find us on Facebook here